Friday, May 28, 2010

What Not to stop you For my sister was kept

Hijab is a Muslim women's clothing that covers the head to foot (including the hijab / caps and baggy clothes that do not show the curve of her body). For the layman, the hijab issue may be considered a simple problem. But verily, he is a big problem. Because he is a sure command of Allah in it contained a lot of wisdom and very great. When Allah Almighty ordered us a command, He knows that the order is for the benefit of us and one for the achievement of happiness, glory and greatness of women.

As word of Allah Almighty: "O Prophet, tell your wives, daughters and wives of the believers to reach their head throughout the body, so that they might more easily to be known, so they do not digangguÂ". ( QS. Al Ahzab: 59)

The Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam once said: "There will be at the end of my people riding saddle men who like men, they get off at the front door of the mosque, the women they dress (but) naked, above their heads (there is one) like a hump graceful camel. Laknatlah them! Sesunggunya they are cursed women. "(Narrated by Imam Ahmad (2 / 33))

Word of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wasallam also said: "Two groups, including residents of Hell, I (myself) had never seen them, which is like a man who leads a whip like cattle, with which they whipped the man and woman who is dressed (but) bare, berlenggak sway sway, their heads (there is one) like a camel's hump niddle rocking. They certainly will not go to Heaven, not even a smell. And indeed it was the smell wafted from Paradise travel distance and so many. "(Narrated by Muslim, hadith no. 2128).

Of our times are many reasons or causes that are often used as a reason why the women were reluctant to he was kept, including:

1. Still not well
When ukhti / sisters argue with this doubtful should be able to distinguish between two things. Namely between the commands of God with the human command. While still in command of human, then the person can not be forced to accept. But when the command of Allah there is no reason for people to say I am still not well, because humans can drag on big danger is out of the religion of Allah SWT for with so he does not believe and doubt the truth of the command.

God Almighty Allah says: "And not worthy of believing men and women mukminah, when Allah and His Messenger has established an ordinance, there will be other choices for them about their affairs. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he verily have been misguided, misguided real. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 36)

2. It is situated in the heart of faith is not in outward appearance
The ukhti / sisters who have not tried to interpret the hadith he was kept, but does not match what was intended, like the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'Peace be upon Wasalam: "Verily, Allah does not look at other forms of (surface) and treasure your wealth but He looks at the heart and all your deeds . '(Narrated by Muslim, Hadith no. 2564 from Abu Hurairah).

Apparently they are deflected to abort its true meaning on kebathilan. True Faith is situated hearts but Faith was not perfect when it is in my heart. Faith in the liver alone is not enough to save themselves from Hell and get to heaven. Because the definition of Faith According to the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah wal jumhur Jama: "belief in the liver, with the oral pronunciation, and the implementation by member agencies." And also stated in the Quran whenever called word of faith, is always accompanied with charities, such as: "Those who believe and do righteous ....". Because the charity is always in conjunction with the faith, they can not be broken apart.

3. God has not given me guidance
Sister / sister who was mired in such a clear mistake. Because if the people who want guidance, and prefers that others pray for him to get it, he must try harder with the causes that can deliver it so get such guidance. As word of Allah: "Verily, Allah does not change the state of a people so that they change the circumstances that existed at themselves sendiri.Â" (Surah Ar-Ra'd: 11).

Therefore, O uhkti / sisters, try to obtain the causes of the guidance, such guidance would you get with the permission of Allah SWT. Diatara business was praying to get guidance, to choose friends who shalihah, always reading, studying and meditating on the Book of Allah, following the dhikr and assemblies and other religious speech.

4.Takut not sell marriage
This doubtful whispered by Satan in the soul because of the feeling that the youth would not decide to get married unless she had seen the body, hair, skin, beauty and the girl's jewelry. Although beauty is one of the most fundamental cause of marriage, but he was not the only reason he married her.

Â'Alaihi Prophet pbuh said: "She was married for four things: that is because wealth, lineage, her beauty and her religion. Check out women who cling to religion, (if not) necessarily hands smeared with dust." (Narrated by Al Bukhari, kitaabun marriage, 9 / 115).

5. Today he still does not
Indeed the trustees, either father or mother who prevents the child was kept daughter, ostensibly because it is still immature, they have a tremendous responsibility before God Almighty on the Day of Resurrection. Because according to the Shari'a as a girl get menstruation, immediately he is also mandatory for he was kept.

6. My parents and my husband was kept prohibits
Basic issue here is that obedience to God Almighty to have precedence over keta'atan beings whoever he is. As mentioned in the saheeh hadeeth:

"Actually it was only in virtue of obedience." (Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim). And the word of the Apostle in another hadith: "And should not the creature with disobeyed ta'at (adulterous) to Al-Khaliq." (Narrated by Imam Ahmad, this hadeeth saheeh).

Therefore, O ukhti yet he was kept, hopefully this paper form the opening of the locked heart, thrilling sense of who was asleep, so it can restore all the Sisters who have not menta'ati orders he was kept, to the nature that Allah has commanded.

(Quoted from a book titled original mistranslation Muhajjabah Mal Ila Sister Ghairil Maani'u Minal Hijab? By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Al Bilaly).

And Allaah knows best.

Hj. Dewi Setiani
The author is domiciled in Jogjakarta
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